August Favourites time! A few bits and pieces this month. Enjoy :)
I have a new favourite album! A little band called Postmodern Jukebox and if you haven't already listened to them I thoroughly recommend that you do! My favourites are their cover of Drunk in Love by Beyonce and Fancy by Iggy Azalea.
Let me tell you a story - I found this song called One Day (Vandagg) by Bakermat and I listened to it on repeat because it's just a really good song. Nice little sample in there. And then I found out that my best friend, Callum Gordon over at Burning Reel Productions had a hand in the video and suddenly it became even better, if that was possible.
I have been reading lots as always but nothing has really grabbed me this month. I've been working my way through the Cazalet series by Elizabeth Jane Howard and although they are quite good (I do love a good WWII Fiction) I'm actually more excited to buy and watch the TV series. Hopefully I will find something truly original by next month.
Let's talk about my favourite home purchase for this month. Sgt Pepper. Just look at his little face. He is so freaking happy to grind the pepper. I found this chap on Amazon here.
If you are an avid Pourable Sunshine reader you will have read my IKEA Haul post and know that I got lots of delicious items but I do love the grey plates very much indeed. Although this is the only one that made it home. Don't try and take crockery on the tube. It will break. You will cry. You will have to take it back to IKEA.
Some yummy new finds this month.
Philadelphia do a Salmon and Dill tub! Who knew?! It tastes like smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches. I also like to use it in Prawn Risotto as it adds another flavour and level of tastiness.

I think I may have found a new favourite ice-cream kids! My mouth is watering. It literally just filled with salvia at the memory of sitting down to eat this delicious tub of happiness. It is SO good.
I'm off to a wedding this weekend and isn't just the prettiest dress. I waited patiently for this dress to hit the sales and when it finally did I snapped it up. Or so I thought. They actually still have loads of sizes in stock a few weeks in. It's very floaty on and perhaps not so great with the changing weather but I'm trying to hold on to summer for as long as possible.
This New Look purse is just beautiful. It's quite large but I quite like oversized bags and purses so it's good for me. Again this is more of a spring/summer purse but we can all retain some hope that the sun might just come back again.
Ok, let's face it. The sun isnt coming back. Must mean it's time to wrap up warm in a scarf then! I purchased this little beauty in H&M after my best friend turned up at mine rocking one. She went for the colourful one but they only had black, white and grey when I went in store. It is massive - I call it my throw or rug because there's so much wool and it's very toasty but it's barely left my side since I bought it.
Hope you have had a lovely August whatever you have been up to and I hope these favourites give you something to listen to/buy/eat.
C xxx
C xxx