Monday 29 September 2014

Touchy Feely

So there I was out in Dalston in a bar with all my friends. We had been dancing pretty hard to some old school classics for a few hours and decided that at 3am it was time to call it a night as we are getting older now and apparently have no stamina.

We all made a start towards the front door when the most vile thing happened. Some man thought it would be appropriate to run his hands down my body and grab my arse. Not just a pinch either, this was a full on assault. I turned around and shouted at him and we tried to get him kicked out but to no avail.

My question is this. Why do some men think that this is acceptable behavior? What gives you the right to make me feel grimy and disgusting? Do you really think that I am going to turn around and beg for more?

I had been round a friend's house previously with no intention of going out (I'm easily persuaded when alcohol is involved) so therefore I was in leggings, a cami top and flat pumps with my hair pulled back. I was in no way dressed provocatively or looking for attention. So why on earth do I have to suffer this gross invasion of my personal space?

To make thing worse this isn't the first time it's happened. I stopped wearing low cut dresses on nights out a long time ago because men used to think it was ok to grab at my breasts and laugh about it or make some lewd comment. THIS IS NOT OK. I should be able to go out with my friends without feeling like I have to change what I want to wear just in case I get molested by some guy.

Perhaps you are thinking "Oh she's overrating, she should be flattered" but nothing about this is flattering. It makes me feel cheap and as much as I have tried to shrug it off and say "Oh well it was just a grab" I realised that I feel strongly enough about this that I needed to write something down, And if everyone who has been grabbed at against their will just said "Oh well" then nobody would say anything any more and it would become acceptable.

I'm a confident person, I called him out on it, but he still managed to make me feel small. I wonder if he knew how much this had affected me he would be sorry?

Really the point to this post is just to highlight that even if you think something is a joke, or you are feeling a bit randy or touchy feely, maybe just think about it for a second. It might still be playing on that person's mind several days later.

C x      

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