Thought I would do a 50 facts about me blog as a way for people to get to know me. It's actually really hard to sit down and think about these. I was going to do 25 but it turns out I can actually ramble on and I could have done more than 50 in the end!
1. I can’t whistle
2. Night time is my favourite smell
3. I am 25 years old
4. Sunflowers are my favourite flower
5. When I am sad I listen to Disney songs. Actually I listen
to Disney songs whatever my mood
6. Pancake day is my favourite day of the year. I will eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner
7. I don’t like chocolate
8. I bite my nails
9. I really love
dates, prunes and figs
10. When I was 8 I convinced all my friends that I had
written the lyrics to the song ‘Eternal Flame’
11. I hate being alone. I can’t be on my own for more than a
few hours before I start to feel funny
12. I am terrified of birds – this is called Ornithophobia.
My friends all think it’s hilarious.
13. I once managed to
convince a friend I was Portuguese for a year
14. My favourite colour is purple
15. I am appalling at
Maths. I struggle to add 2 + 2 if put on the spot. It’s sad but true
16. I love rollercoasters
17. One of my biggest regrets in life was giving up horse-riding
18. I lived in Cardiff for 2 years and it was the best time
of my life
19. My dream job is
to work in PR/Events although I wouldn’t mind being a published author
20. Warthogs are my favourite animal. It’s just the way the
run, it’s too cute
21. I have a scar on my eyebrow from when I was 5 and fell
onto my dolls house chimney and part of my eyebrow has never grown back
22. I am very allergic to mosquito bites and will swell up
at alarming proportions if bitten
23. I’ve never been in a limo
24. I won’t dive into a swimming pool because I am terrified
of snapping my neck on the bottom
25. I don’t really like tea that much and I never dunk my
26. I sucked my thumb until I was 10
27. I have had 5 braces as a result of the above but they
never sorted out my bottom teeth which are still a bit crooked
28. I have 2 younger brothers
29. I kept a diary for 11 years (2001 – 2011) and have just
started it up again
30. I lived in Portugal for 8 months when I was 18
31. I have never broken a bone
32. I have kept a blog for 3 years and I love it
33. I love travelling
34. I am studying part time to get my degree in English
35. I live in London which has been my dream since I was 5.
36. When I was 8 years
old I really wanted to be a catwalk model
37. I never wear jeans
38. I want to get married in a church even though I am not
39. I met my boyfriend at Glastonbury
40. I have gone to the toilet in the same cubicle as
Charlotte Church
41. I love sour sweets. I am constantly on the look out for
the sourest sweet out there
42. I dropped out of college to move to Portugal and I don’t
regret it at all
43. I have really
good reflexes
44. I wear hardly any make-up even when I going ‘ out out’.
I only wear eyeliner, occasionally
mascara and lipstick.
45. I am going grey already. I pull a new grey hair out
every week
46. I can’t stand marmite but my boyfriend loves it and I
won’t let him kiss me if he’s eaten it
47. I can’t drive
48. The smell of coffee makes me feel really ill
49. I hate spicy food. I just don’t get it. Why would you
ruin a meal by making it so hot it burns your mouth?!
50. I love to sing. Especially at my boyfriend. Really
There we have it, feel like you know me better?